Saturday, 22 October 2011


This is new for me so I'm hoping that all you experienced bloggers will give me a chance and make room for yet another "Blogger".  I know one can blog about anything one likes but I have to tell you I'm not sure I could blog about one particular thing. I'd be too afraid I'd run out of things to say about it and maybe even end up lookin' like I actually knew what I was talkin' about.
That's a scary thought.! 
This all started with me wanting to get out of flaggin' the highways and maybe trying to earn a meager living on the internet. Never in my life have I been bombarded with so many honest people that had my financial future planned out as long as I could give them $299 or sign up for a gazillion other programs just to make .02 cents a click.
Don't get me wrong there are most definitely some good things and people out there but how do you figure out what or who they are. So...being on the verge of needing therapy I thought I would start out blogging and maybe run across the info I need as well as be able to share some of the things I have found in my travels.  We all need a place to vent, rant, find, or clarify so "Welcome" to what I like to think of as the "Potpourri" blogging site.  A little bit of everything for everyone.
I invite all who would like to blog about anything and everything that might be beneficial (or not)to you.   So let's get started.......I look forward to hearing from you all!

*Bare with me...I'm still putting my little blog site together so some things aren't quite workin' or added yet.*

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